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BASK Holiday Guide: Self-care and Tips on Finding Peace During the Holidays

Every year I feel like the winter holiday season comes around faster than the last one. I am not a person who is ahead of schedule this season. (Y'all sometimes I am just in survival mode like most people.) If you are one of those super plan ahead humans, I am in awe. The thought of everything that needs to be done in 19 days ( 😬) makes me want to run for the hills. Anyone else?

Each year my husband and I try to simplify and be intentional about how we want our family to celebrate the winter holiday season. I’ve gathered my favorite ways to take the stress out of the holiday season and put the joy back in.

Several of them are here: 1. Schedule your own quiet time like meditation, reading, focused breathing, any kind of mindfulness practice

2. Grab a pen and make your gift list. I love Emily Ley's Holiday gift list template and you can find it here under "Holidays" ( I love her free printables library, not to mention her planners):

3. If you struggle to get your holiday cards out on time or want to save some green and be green, you can go digital!

Here are some favorite websites who offer them:

Lifewire rounded up a good e-cards list:

I love holiday e-cards. We have sent them out on some years. Not only is it convenient and much more affordable, it is so fun to hear back from the people you sent it too. That is my number one favorite thing about e-cards.

4. Consider what you and your family love this time of year and put it on your calendar.

5. Be gentle with yourself and treat yourself with extra grace and kindness. Holidays can be ultra triggering if you are going through a loss of any kind. I wrote this post last year, which you might find helpful.

For more tips, grab your free BASK Holiday Guide below.

What helps you keep high stress at bay and enjoy more peace over the holiday season? Thank you for reading.

Happy Holidays,


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